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I’ve laid out this version of the traditional song “Shenandoah” in 1st position, which is also called “straight harp,” the primary key of whatever harmonica you’re playing. C on a C harp, G on a G harp, etc. Enjoy!

3	4 	4   4   	   
Oh, 	Shen -	an -doah 	

-4    5   -5  -6   6        
I    hear you cal ling

7    -7    -6
A   - a  -  way 	

6  	-6 	6   5 	6 
you 	rol  -ling ri	ver

6  	-6  -6   -6   
Oh, 	She -nan -doah 

5   6    5   -4   4      
I  long  to  hear you

4      -4     5 
A   - 	a   -  way 

4      5	-6   	6
I'm   bound 	 a   -	way

  4    -4    5     		 
'Cross the wide 		

4     -4    4
Mis  -sou  -ri

This file is the author’s own work and represents his interpretation of this song. It’s intended solely for private study, scholarship or research.