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A Lesson on Key Changes
In this lesson, I’ll offer a harmonica teacher’s perspective on Here, There, and Everywhere, by The Beatles, including how to adapt the song if you figure it out by ear, or get a copy of the sheet music from a legitimate source. Key changes on diatonic harmonica require a little bit of strategy, and it’s one of my favorite puzzles to decode.
Harp Switching: G and B-flat
Throughout the song, the key shifts between G and B-flat.
In the intro, the first phrase is played on a G harp, the second phrase on a B-flat.
As the main part of the song begins, you shift back to the G harp with the lyric “Here, making each day…”
Switch to B-flat for the “I want her everywhere” section.
Return to the G harp with the last word of “But to love her is to need her EVERYWHERE” and continue on the G.
Whenever “I want her everywhere” happens, that section is in B-flat, and will return to G at the end.
What If I Don’t Have Those Harps?
It’ll be a taller order, since it’s easier for your ear to connect with the original key of a familiar song. And it always helps to play along with the original recording, where possible.
Maybe you have A and C harps?
If so, with a little tech savvy, you might take an MP3 of the song and use the free program Audacity to raise the pitch a whole step, from G to A, without changing tempo.
Then, use my directions above, substituting A and C harps for G and B-flat.
This file is the author’s own work and represents his interpretation of this song. It’s intended solely for private study, scholarship or research.